Hari ini diawali dengan kejadian yang sangat sial bagi gw.
Pagi2, gw berangkat sekolah rada telat. Gw bahkan lupa pake krim Erha gw, yg kemudian menyebabkan di idung gw langsung nongol SATU jerawat merah menyakitkan.
Terus, karena nyadar gw udah telat, gw pun lari pas masuk gerbang. Gw cuek dengan kaos kaki gw yg udah melorot sampe ke sepatu. Dan setelah berhasil melewati gerbang dengan aman, setelah gw pikir gw udah selamat, tiba2 si IMR (Ibu Muka Rumus alias Bu Winar**h) menegor gw.
"Gebi, coba berdiri di sana, terus kaos kakinya dicopot. Taro di meja guru aja."
Intinya, coy, kaos kaki gw DISITA!
Kalo ada yg bertanya2 knapa gw tadi berjalan2 dengan telanjang kaki ato pake sepatu tanpa kaos kaki, inilah sebabnya. Bukan menciptakan trend baru ato mamerin kaki gw yg buluan.
Tapi seperti biasa, setelah masuk kelas, biasanya suasana hati gw membaik setelah mendengar ocehan dan suara ketawa temen2 bahasa di sana sini. Gw sih bodo amat juga mau disita ato ga kaos kaki gw. Sayang sih, sebenarnya, karena itu satu2nya kaos kaki gw yang lumayan bener (bolongnya cuma satu), dibandingin dengan yang udah ngondoy dan bolong dimana2.
Terus tadi si IMR juga rese banget. Kepoooo banget dah tuh orang. Kynya dia sensi banget sama kelas bahasa, dan dia jadi sering banget negor kelas gw...mamerin jidat dia yang kolosal serta gaya rambut belah tengahnya yang dipertegas dengan jepitan di kedua pelipis.
Satu hal yang membuat gw hepi adalah:
Haha, cepat banget emang, dan gw juga sayang banget nyelesaiinnya. Sekarang tinggal 2 bab lagi, dan gw harus menahan diri untuk ga menghabiskan kedua bab itu di sekolah. SAYANG! Gw mau nyelesaiinnya di rumah, seperti semua Harry Potter dan semua buku yg gw baca, biar ga ada suara2 aneh yang mengganggu gw (seperti suara Bu Mar**l, langsung meruntuhkan imajinasi Edward Speleers sebagai Eragon yang GANTENG dan berBODY ASOY!).
Enaknya di rumah.....santai....
Pada saat yang bersamaan, NARUTO JUGA MAKIN SERU!!!
Gw hepi banget bacanya, karena dimana2 ada Yondaime Hokage yg keliatan makin ganteng aja.
Gw juga HEPI karena bisa ngeliat om2 idola gw yang sempat terlupakan: Jurgen Klinsman^^
Plus, akhirnya ada satu cowo yang disukai oleh gw dan Yessica bersama2, yaitu EDWIN VAN DER SAR!
Gw menulis blog ini dalam keadaan ngantuk berat abis berenang, dengan orang2 rumah sliwer2an di belakang gw.
Hhh...so far, hari ini cukup menyenangkan walopun....
Nyokap baru aja mengingatkan gw untuk BELAJAR.
Oh please....besok tuh HARI MINGGU! Tuhan aja beristirahat di HARI MINGGU. Masa gw nggak??
Walopun hari ini harus jatuh korban berupa sepasang kaos kaki tersayang.
A Poem for You
Hear me just once, please
I’ll just have a view questions for you
I don’t ask you to answer, but just listen.
Why won’t you be looking at a girl like me?
I’m not those pinky-candy-girl, but I’m sweet enough.
Why won’t you blushing at me?
I’m not as pretty as those girls you see in the magazines, but I laugh from my heart.
Why won’t you say I’m beautiful?
I’m not filled with expensive body treatment, but I got my smile.
Why won’t you touch me gently?
I’m not as fragile as those Paris-Hilton-wannabe girls, but I’m still a girl.
I don’t ask for your protection. All I want is you being there for me.
Why did you always pick a girl with whom you act like a true gentlemen?
Because I like you the way you are. I like you even more when you fooled yourself.
Coz by doing so, we can laugh together.
Why did you always have to pick the skinny girl?
At least you know you can make me slimmer, and not bulimia.
And I won’t bother you with my diet.
Why won’t you search for a girl with a dream, ambition, and independence?
Coz I got mine, and I’ll support yours.
Why do you have to waste your energy to impress those girls?
They only want to see you win the competition.
But not when you just push your friend into a dirty mud and laugh at him.
Maybe you can’t show off in front of your friend, by having me as your girlfriend
But you know you can make them my friend too.
You don’t have to throw those silly questions like: “Have you eat?”
Coz you know I always hungry.
Don’t worry, coz I won’t wake you up at night just to hear me cry
Coz I don’t cry a lot.
You can share your stories, coz I’ll listen.
Don’t worry to cry in front of me
I know even boys got their limit.
Don’t worry to yell at me
Just prepare yourself for a louder voice.
It’s okay to let anyone hear what we’re talking
It’s hard for me to whisper anyway.
You can be embarassed yourself as much as you like
Coz I’ll beat your record anyway.
Don’t be afraid to laugh at me
Cos I have many kind of laugh for you
I can make friend with your parent
As you can be with mine
Oh, and one more thing
My father is actually a good man.
He only put that face because this is about his only daughter.
Aduh aduh, ga ada satu kata dalam dunia ini yg gw benci banget selain MODUL!
Ya! Gw eneg banget sama modul!
Apalagi BI. Cih, tiap pembahasan hampir selalu berakhir dengan pertentangan. Mungkin bagi beberapa orang biasa aja, tapi gw berabe banget kalo udah berdebat sama guru kami 'tersayang' itu.
Hari ini harusnya gw terima raport, tapi karena gw belom bayar duit sekolah, jadi gw baru bisa memegang raport itu besok. Bodo amat lah, nilai merah gw cuma satu ini...sejarah lagi. Kayaknya udah ga ada lagi kutukan matematika yg biasanya menghampiri gw.
Ohiya, satu hal yang akhir2 ini cukup menghibur gw adalah GW AKHIRNYA PERGI KE GRAND INDONESIA!!
Setelah 2 bulan dibikin iri sama bo-nyok gw yang udah ke sana, akhirnya gw bisa menginjakkan kaki di mall yg gede banget itu. Bahkan gw hampir ga mau keluar dari Gramedianya saking besar dan ajipnya tuh tempat.
Anjrit itu keren banget. Setelah melihat itu, gw dan bokap sibuk ngebahas betapa kerennya pompa air yg dipake, trus lanjut jalan2 melewati wilayah New York, lantas Jepang, lalu Timur Tengah!
Gw demen banget di Timur Tengah. Langsung pengen joget2 ato muter2 kayak orang Turki gitu...
Dua hal lain yang cukup menghibur gw ditengah2 modul ini adalah:
BUKU TENTANG FILM yg gw butuhin banget, hahahahahahahah!!
Senang....senang....ada bacaan juga....^^
Ya! Gw eneg banget sama modul!
Apalagi BI. Cih, tiap pembahasan hampir selalu berakhir dengan pertentangan. Mungkin bagi beberapa orang biasa aja, tapi gw berabe banget kalo udah berdebat sama guru kami 'tersayang' itu.
Hari ini harusnya gw terima raport, tapi karena gw belom bayar duit sekolah, jadi gw baru bisa memegang raport itu besok. Bodo amat lah, nilai merah gw cuma satu ini...sejarah lagi. Kayaknya udah ga ada lagi kutukan matematika yg biasanya menghampiri gw.
Ohiya, satu hal yang akhir2 ini cukup menghibur gw adalah GW AKHIRNYA PERGI KE GRAND INDONESIA!!
Setelah 2 bulan dibikin iri sama bo-nyok gw yang udah ke sana, akhirnya gw bisa menginjakkan kaki di mall yg gede banget itu. Bahkan gw hampir ga mau keluar dari Gramedianya saking besar dan ajipnya tuh tempat.
Anjrit itu keren banget. Setelah melihat itu, gw dan bokap sibuk ngebahas betapa kerennya pompa air yg dipake, trus lanjut jalan2 melewati wilayah New York, lantas Jepang, lalu Timur Tengah!
Gw demen banget di Timur Tengah. Langsung pengen joget2 ato muter2 kayak orang Turki gitu...
Dua hal lain yang cukup menghibur gw ditengah2 modul ini adalah:
BUKU TENTANG FILM yg gw butuhin banget, hahahahahahahah!!
Senang....senang....ada bacaan juga....^^
She already waited me at the cafe. A cup of tea in front of her as she sat on the same spot I first met her. The difference was only that after I walked through that door, I'll be sitting in front of her, not in front of the bar.
She smiled at me. I didn't. I can't. She stood up, and I knew that she wanted me to kiss her on the lips. But again, I can't. I just gave her a warm kiss on the cheek. We sat together.
It's always been a stress-relieved to see her bright eyes staring back at me like now. How she blink, how she drink, how she laugh.
But just not today.
Those things from her can't make me smile again, and I felt a sudden rush of guilt crawling from my stomach to my head.
"Where have you been?"
I shook my head and stared at her. Her smile won't dissapear, and I was forced to look outside from the cafe window.
"Africa." I said calmly. No more lies for today.
"My god, Walter! Last time you call me you said you're in Italy. What are you doing in Africa?"
"My job, of course. What else?"
"National Geographic sent you to take picture in Africa?"
"No. I...I just wanted to go back there."
"You could've told me...."
I was gone for her. She always said she wanted to go there. She said she wanted to see that place with her own black eyes, not only from the picture I took. I can't do anything more than spread out her dust on that plain grass field of Africa.
Now she'll always be there.
"Jen, I wanted to tell you something."
"That's why you brought me here, isn't it?"
Her tone was still as cheerful as she always been. Optimistic girl.
"It's just not working, Jen."
Now I looked at her eyes. Both of them. I have to make her understand.
"Us. I can't keep doing this anymore. I can't.....I can't keep our relationship the way it used to be. I....I just can't."
For a moment or so, I thought I could see her smiled bitterly, but then she just stared at me with empty eyes.
"What's wrong? I thought we were okay, you know...We didn't have a problem, we never have. Why then...."
"I don't understand."
Of course she didn't. That why we're here. I took a deep breath. I can't hide it anymore. I can't resist it anymore. I had spend my time trying to keep her out of my mind. Trying to say to myself that she's gone--bringing all our memory together--and there's nothing I can do to change that.
But just not today. I can't.
"I loved her, Jan."
"Then....what's wrong? I know you loved her, and I truly--I really am--know how painful it is for you to know that she's dead. Really, Walter....I....I just..."
"Just make me understand. Okay?"
"I am, Jan, I am. That's why. I loved her. And I still love her now. I just....I just realized that."
"I can't keep her out of my mind. I just....can't. And it's not right, Jan. It's not right."
"Everytime I'm with you. Everytime I walked out of my room. Everytime I looked at TV....I always remember her. Her, and every memory we've had together. Every single part of it."
"It's just...hhh....she's everywhere! When I kissed you. When we make love. When I hold you. I DIDN'T feel you, Jan. I feel HER. Cera."
"Walter...ehm..honey..It's okay if you see me as her. I don't mind, I..."
"But I-LOVE-HER! Not you, Jan. You can't be like her, I can't keep imagine that you are her, even if I tried to."
A rush of guilt again. But this time, it's different. Suddenly I felt really small. I hoped there's a hammer there, ready to hit me hardly in my chest.
Just to make it dissapear.
"I failed her."
"I just keep thinking to call her. Call her, I told myself. But for those fucking one year of me being coward, I didn't. Not in a single day I really do call her. I let her gone from my memory."
"I let her die."
"It's not your fault, honey.."
My words stuck in my lungs. Suddenly it's hard to breath, and I have to take a deep breath...to keep me alive, I think.
"No, Jan. We can't keep this any longer..I can't keep this any longer. It's like I'm cheating with her, and I won't do that."
"So...you mean...you keep her and let me go? In exchange?"
That's it, I've told her.
No, I'm not obsessed with Cera. And no, I know she's dead.
But I just want to pay the time I've waste coldly. I want to be with her remains. Her whispers. Her kiss. Her touch.
And her smile. I just want to preserved it, cause in the last, there will be nothing remains from you except memories. And this memories I'll keep until my last breath.
Just for you, Cera.
"Well. Ehm...goodbye...Walter."
And so she's gone.
Jan was gone, and I feel like I can see Cera walking from distance, giving me her most beautiful smile, and sat on the chair that was once Jan's.
I can almost feel her hands touching mine. Softly. And if only she was real, I'll kiss her now. I'll whisper to her that I will go nowhere else. Just being here, with her.
I smiled at her.
You won.
I can't forget you.
I'm baaaaack!!!!
Yapyap, i'm back again with new post. Don't ask me about the SIMAK, coz I really don't wanna talk about that. Just pray a lot...=="
So, hari ini gw tiba2 pengen ngepost sesuatu yg mungkin agak ga penting, tapi menurut gw cukup penting (apa kaleeeee)...
It's about......
Ya, me! Hari ini gw mau memberi pernyataan2 tentang diri gw sendiri. Iseng aja sih, cuma lagi ga ada kerjaan dan lagi pengen.
Facts about me:
1. I'm a little bit fanatic about my own name. Dan karena itu juga, maka anak2 gw namanya harus keren, hehehehe.....masa maminya Georgine anaknya namanya Bedu??
2. My middle name is perfectionist! Hahahah...iya, gw perfeksionis ternyata. Hal2 simpel seperti garpu dan sendok yang ga sepasang, ato bacaan yang salah tanda bacanya bisa membuat gw terganggu. Bahkan pianis gereja yang salah tempo aja bisa bikin gw bete dan mengkritik setengah mati.
3. Si pemain bola Eli Eboi bisa bikin gw ketawa dan berisik. Pokoknya kalo denger nama dia, gw langsung pengen teriak2: EH, BOI! LAGI MAEN LU, BOI?? TENDANG BOLANYA BOI!!
4. Gw sering kebelet boker pada saat lagi chatting sama orang. Maaf kalo ada yang pernah chatting sama gw dan tiba2 harus putus di tengah jalan karena gw pengen buang hajat^^
5. Gw baru menyadari kalo sekalipun ada cowo tionghoa ganteng, ato cowo bule hot, ato cowo afrika seksi, gw tetep sukanya sama cowo2 pribumi. Ga tau napa. Tapi gw ga menolak cowo inggris kok, hehehe....
6. Gw cukup bangga dengan kenyataan bahwa gw punya sedikiiiiit sekali darah bule. Bokap gw juga...
7. Gw merasa bahwa bakat gw ada di......puzzle!! Segala sesuatu tentang puzzle dan teman2nya pasti gw suka dan cukup bisa^^
8. Gw abis baca pertanyaan ini kemaren: 'where do you like him to kiss you?' I'll answer: forehead. Ga gitu suka pipi, di bibir mah kapan2 aja.
9. I'm a free spirited girl. Kalo memungkinkan, gw cenderung akan menjadi orang yang nomaden. Ga punya rumah tetap. Gw suka bepergian, gw suka berada dekat dengan alam, tapi yang jelas gw ga suka dekat2 serangga.
10. Gw phobia kecoa. Mau bokap gw marah2in gw, katanya gw penakut lah, apa lah...gw lebih besar dari kecoa lah...POKOKNYA GW GA SUKA!!
11. I love Tom and Jerry, Tintin, and Asterix. Those are my favourites of all time.
12. If I got and Oscar, i'll thank my family and friend, then I'll dedicate the Oscar to Butter Milk. "This is for you, Butter Milk, wherever you are. I love you, my fat rabbit."
13. I'm proud with the life i've been through. That's all.
Ciao, bello.
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Georgine Bianca
- Georgine
- A laughsmith. Half cat half whale. 22. Balancing the life of a lawyer with a pint of delusion.
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