Similarity is....boring.

on Saturday, July 31, 2010
Check these movie posters:

Love Actually

The Family Stone


He's Just Not That Into You

Valentine's Day

Same characteristic, same concept, almost same genre.


on Friday, July 30, 2010
Bukan, judulnya tidak dibaca dengan nada-nada menggoda. Judul di atas dibaca dengan nada MARAH!

Sebuah peristiwa naas terjadi dua hari yang lalu.

Gw baru pulang dari kampus, which means emosi gw lagi bercampur aduk. Capek karena nyetir, ngantuk-tapi-ga-mau-tidur, gerah, dan pengen mandi. Ditambah lagi, karena om dan tante gw (serta Luna) lagi datang dari Makassar, maka mereka tidur di kamar gw. Tadinya mereka mau dikasih tidur di kamar bokap-nyokap gw aja, tapi mereka maunya di kamar gw. Jadilah hari itu gw agak bertambah bete karena ga bisa beristirahat di kamar sendiri.

NAH! Sambil sempoyongan jalan ke kamar nyokap, gw ngeliat ada setumpukan baju bersih di atas tempat tidur. Sambil melihat tumpukan itu....WIH!

Gw menangkap sebuah pemandangan mencurigakan...

Gw tarik benda yang dicurigai itu...


Jumper JOKER gw yang gw sayangi, tjintai, dan puja-puja itu KENA LUNTURAN!!

This was suppose to be peach colored!

Setelah diusut, ternyata:
Tersangka utama: nyokap, karena telah LUPA memberitahu kepada pembantu tersebut bahwa jeansnya masih baru.
Mededader: si pembantu, karena telah MENGGABUNGKAN jumper dengan jeans saat dicuci. Kalo GW, sekali lagi KALO GW, dicuci sendiri...ato digabungin sama handuk *bener ga?*

And did you know why I really hate those tragedy?

Because I couldn't do anything.

Sama seperti waktu mobil Vios nyokap ditabrak, dan yang nabrak malah kabur.
Gw ga bisa ngapa-ngapain. Gw mau minta ganti nyokap? Yang bener aja. Ke si pembantu? Bukannya sombong, tapi nyekolahin anak aja susah, gimana bisa ganti rugi?

And no, it's not about the price or anything. It's the memory.
The jumper was one of many things my grandma bought for me. And since she's gone, I love the jumper more.

Waktu gw cerita ke nyokap, dia cuma bilang: yaudah cari aja lagi. Nanti mama beliin lagi.
Well, okay. If the jumper still available...

The maid did apologize earlier today. Bahkan jumper gw itu dicuci ulang, dengan harapan besar bahwa warnanya akan kembali. Hasil: nihil.

Well, we couldn't change bad luck, right?

INCEPTION: Christopher Nolan's Masterpiece

on Friday, July 23, 2010

My rating: 10/10


This movie is AMAZING! I couldn't find another word to describe it..well maybe the other words would be COOL, or OUTSTANDING, or even MAGNIFICENT.

*spoiler alert*

So the story started with Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), lying mysteriously on a beach, when a flash of two children playing in the sand appeared in front of him. As the camera moved to his back, a private soldier speaking Japanese came, then took him to an old man. As Cobb eating, the old man saw two different things in front of him: a spinning top and a gun.

As the old man speaks that he remembered the spinning top, we moved flash back to the beginning of explanation about Cobb's job. At the time, Cobb and his friend Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Lewitt) was entering the mind of a Japanese man named Saito (Ken Watanabe), and in a pursue of an information in Saito's mind. The plan didn't went well, as a woman (Marion Cotillard)--who seemed to be known by Cobb--appeared and ruin the plan. The mission failed, as Arthur was forced to be shot in order to wake him up (if you die in a dream, you'll wake up), and Cobb himself has to be pulled down into a bathtub filled with water to wake him up. When they woke up, Saito is already too, and Saito almost give the information under Cobb's gun, if he doesn't realize that they're all still in a dream.

The mission failed, Cobb and Arthur went away separately...for a while.
In this while-moment, it appeared that Cobb is actually a father with two children waiting for him at home. Their mother seemed to be mysterious as Cobb only tells his children that 'mommy's not with us anymore', and before he can answer his daughter's question of 'why?', the phone end. Arthur came in, and they both went together on a helicopter, which surprisingly contains Saito.

Saito offers him a new job: inception. If Cobb's earlier job was to stealing information from someone's mind/dream, now Saito's boss (never mentioned) wanted him to get into someone mind, and plant a new information inside it. Arthur refused, but Cobb took the job as he wanted to do this last job with Saito's offer of clean his name so he could come back to his children.

So the recruitment begin. Cobb gathered his team by adding 4 other member, which are: Ariadne (Ellen Page), Eemes (Tom Hardy), Yusuf (Dileep Rao), and Saito.

Their mission is to make sure an energy company owned by Fischer Sr. to pass to his only son, Fischer Jr. The mission is to make sure Fischer to split the company.

This mission has been a challange, since inception itself has almost never been done before (only once, by Cobb), and in order to fulfill the mission, they need enough time (10 hours, which then solved by Saito in a 10 hour flight from LA-Sydney, and also buying the entire flight company), and also they have to do what they never done before: getting inside a triple-layer dream. And the main problem also: how to wake them up all together so they could get back to the real world and not end up in some place-of-lost-in-mind called Limbo.

The other main problem is the appearance of Mal, Cobb's wife--the woman on the firs scene--who was dead (by suicide), as the result of Cobb's strange obsession to keep his wife is his own dream.

As for me, the first extraordinary point from this movie is the originality of its script. The script was written by Christopher Nolan himself (also most of his other movie), and then the second point was the unending and unexpected imagination of him, as we can see in the 'zero gravitation hotel'.

The next point is how he actually explain his weird-slash-confusing concept in the whole movie, so the audience could understand the world of the movie by only focusing on what they said and what they do.

And the last one, is how he end the movie. I think it's enough to make you walk out from the theatre while thinking whether you are dreaming of you not, and eager to find your own totem to proof that you are the real world. Of course pinching wouldn't enough.

The man behind the outstanding idea:

LUNA is coming to Jakarta!!!

on Thursday, July 22, 2010


Adik sepupu gw tercinta, si Margaretha Luna Maria Tan alias LUNA akan datang ke Jakarta!!

Kabar menyenangkan kedua: tante gw HAMIL, udah 5 bulan, yang berarti si Luna bakal punya adek!!



See, isn't she cute?

Pursuit of Happyness

on Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Aduh, bisingnya rumah gw. Ada banyak orang yang sedang mengerjakan penggantian kusen di rumah gw, karena yang lama udah dimakan rayap. Tragis ya, hahahahah...

Gw sekarang punya pembantu baru. Ga seperti Ipah dulu, yang ini pulang pergi. Pergi pagi pulang sore, kayak orang kantoran. Kmaren anaknya ditinggal, hari ini dibawa serta ke sini. Gw ga keberatan, selama dia ga menjatuhkan barang apapun. Bahkan sebaiknya dia tidak berinteraksi dengan gw, karena--as usual--gw kikuk kalau ketemu anak kecil. Ga tau harus ngapain, ga tau harus berekspresi apa, ga tau harus ngomong apa. Mending menjauh deh...

Ngomong-ngomong pembantu baru ini asik juga. Dia tau caranya mengganti channel indovision ke antene biasa/tivi lokal, lalu dibalikin lagi ke indovision. GAUL!

Kemarin adalah hari pertama dalam tahun ajaran baru di Santa Ursula BSD, SMA gw dulu. Luar biasa rasanya bagaimana satu tahun bisa berlalu begitu saja tanpa benar-benar dirasakan, atau betapa rindunya dan inginnya kita mengulang kembali masa-masa ketika SMA dulu.
Mengulang kembali kebahagiaan, semua tawa, semua lelucon tolol, dan semua yang pernah terjadi selama 3 tahun yang pendek itu.

Rupanya kecenderungan orang memang begitu. Mengenang kebahagiaan di masa lalu.
Kenapa kebahagiaan selalu di masa lalu? Kenapa tidak ada kebahagiaan di masa sekarang?
Ataukah sebuah peristiwa baru disadari sebagai kebahagiaan setelah ia lewat? Bukan ketika ia dijalani?

Kalau memang begitu, kasihan sekali kebahagiaan itu. Ia harus selesai dulu, baru orang kemudian menyadarinya sebagai sebuah peristiwa menyenangkan, dan kemudian selalu mengenangnya.
Kebahagiaan ada di masa depan. Tapi kenapa semua orang terlalu takut untuk mencarinya?
Kita tidak bisa melihat kebahagiaan di masa depan. Karena kita tidak bisa meramal hari esok.


Rasanya kebahagiaan itu ada di mana-mana. Or at least I think so. Kebahagiaan ada di masa lalu. Banyak. Kebahagiaan juga ada di masa sekarang. Mungkin kita sedang menjalaninya detik ini.
Kebahagiaan juga ada di masa depan. Kita hanya perlu untuk merancang dan menyongsongnya.

Bahkan dari segala kebahagiaan itu pun, justru yang paling terpatri adalah kebahagiaan kecil di tengah kesulitan.
Suatu kebahagiaan kecil yang bisa membuat kita tertawa, walaupun besok rasanya buram dan tanpa harapan.
Kebahagiaan yang rasanya terlalu sayang untuk diajak bermuram durja bersama keadaan.

Kebahagiaan, seperti halnya 'cantik', terdefinisi secara pribadi dan berbeda tiap orangnya.
Kebahagiaan adalah hal aneh, seperti waktu oma saya meninggal, ada sedikit rasa bahagia.
Karena waktu itu dia masih mengantar saya untuk terakhir kalinya ke bandara.
Karena saya masih bisa mendengar suaranya ketika menelepon dia, mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun.
Karena saya sudah menjalani 18 tahun hidup saya dengan ada dia dalam memori saya.
Karena dia akhirnya tidak usah lagi merasa sakit.
Karena saya masih menangis setiap kali mengingat dia. Yang berarti bahwa dia memang ada di hati saya yang paling dalam.

Kebahagiaan itu ada di mana-mana.
Saya yakin, karena itulah yang membuat saya bangun dari tidur setiap pagi, dan juga menemani saya tidur setiap malam.

Stop. Live it.

on Monday, July 19, 2010
When I was born, I was empty.
I have no needs, I have no wants.
So I opened my eyes and begin my journey.

I searched for name.
Some words, maybe letters
To tangle your tongue.
Then I finally found it.
I put it in my self, wear it every day.

I searched for game.
Some silly things, maybe stupid
To feed my happyness.
Then I finally found it.
I play with it, smile every day.

I searched for friend.
Some one to accompany, maybe two
To walk with me.
Then I finally found it.
I chat with them, through together every day.

I searched for feast.
Something to eat, maybe drink
To ease my hunger.
Then I finally found it.
I put in on my mouth, full stomach every day.

I searched for home.
Some place to stay in, maybe to sleep
To shelter my night.
Then I finally found it.
I make my living, come back every day.

I searched for love.
Somebody to embrace, maybe to kiss
To spend my life with.
Then I finally found it.
I raised a family, thankful every day.

As I passed every day in my life, I search.
As I passed one curiousity, I got more to come.
As I filled every emptyness, another one needs to be fill.

But at one step of my journey,
I stopped.

I breathe the air around me.
I hear the sound of my heartbeat.
I look back what I've found.

So I stop searching.
And start living what I've found.
For everything has come in their best,
And perfection is worthless.

I stopped. I live.


on Sunday, July 18, 2010
This blog is officially changed from ijotaiitucinta to:

I Think I Forget What I Want

on Saturday, July 17, 2010
Kemaren gw pergi ke pameran komputer loh! CIHUY!!

Setelah melihat sana sini ini itu, berkeliling di tengah-tengah lautan manusia dan laptop, dijejali dengan berbagai brosur, disenggol oleh CPU, mouse, printer, dll.....

Alias: beli leptop.
Meine Mutter ternyata berniat membeli laptop baru. Walopun dia ga ikut kemaren, tapi dia nitip ke bokap buat beliin.

Kombinasi yang jelek, mungkin, gw dan bokap.
Bokap: gaptek level 1.
Gw: ga mau liatin laptop buat orang, maunya nyari barang buat diri sendiri (egois).

Jadilah pencarian laptop baru buat Mutter yang dilakukan oleh dua orang yang sangat tidak capable. Untungnya nyokap ga minta yang ribet-ribet. Cuma mau merek Toshiba. Yang paling baru dan bagus.
Kategori yang mudah.

Nah, setelah transaksi selesai, laptop pun dimiliki. Karena 'mission accomplished', maka sekarang giliran gw memuaskan hasrat gadget gw yang sudah lama ini marasuk di hati nurani dan qolbuku. Mengorek-ngorek sisi ruang batinku yang paling dalam...

Aku tak bisa pindaaaaaaaaaah~
Pindah ke lain hatiiiiiii~
*aaah, aaaah* Pindah ke lain hatiiiii~

JADI hasrat terbesar saya kemaren adalah: handycam.
Gw pengen banget beli handycam. Sudah dari tahun lalu pikiran itu menyerang saraf-saraf hasratku yang terkubur dalam itu. Pengennya tuh pengeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen banget. Sepengen gw pacaran sama Wesley Sneijder. Sepengen gw beli replika tongkat sihir Sirius Black. Sepengen gw dapat surat tanah Kastil Neuschweinstein di Jerman.


Tapi....ternjata haroes saja tegaskan, bahwa itoe DAHOELOE!

Karena ga ada stand JVC, maka gw pun nongkrong di stand Canon. Gw mengincar satu tipe Legria tertentu di sana. Ternyata ada di display. Jadi gw pun menghampiri mas-mas terdekat.

G: Mas, ada handycam ga?
M: *nunjuk ke display Legria di samping kirinya*
G: Boleh liat ga mas? *berharap gw boleh MEMEGANG Legria tersebut*
M: *ibid*
G: Oh. Makasih deh mas.


Gw jadi males sendiri. Bete, karena mas-masnya ga niat jualan, padahal gw udah semangat. Dia malah sibuk melayani sekelompok anak muda yang--mudah-mudahan beneran ngerti--lagi liat-liat lensa buat SLR.

Ya, gw paham kok kalau sekarang SLR lagi 'in' banget. Kemaren aja banyaaaak bener yang beli SLR. Tapi tidak berarti kalo konsumen SLR lebih berarti dari gw toh??

Yasudahlah, gw dengan malas berjalan menjauh dari counter Canon. Kecewa, males, ilfil.
Ya, ilfil.
Dan bukan hanya sekedar ilfil biasa, tapi ilfil ini adalah BENAR-BENAR KEHILANGAN HASRAT UNTUK MEMILIKI SEBUAH HANDYCAM.

Ke manakah hasrat itu pergi? Gw juga ga tau.
Bahkan kemaren rasanya semua hasrat gw hilang begitu saja.
Gw ingat, awal tahun ini gw pengen banget beli iPod touch. Setelah nabung, bahkan sekarang tabungannya berlebih, gw ga mau beli. Males.
Lantas handycam. Gw udah nabung, udah punya modal, sekarang males. Dan lain-lainnya deh. Banyak sekali hal-hal yang dulu sepertinya ingin segera gw dapatkan, tapi sekarang terasa hambar dan tidak penting lagi.

Is this what they call growing up?
Am I growing up?
Or is it me...forgetting myself and what I want in my life?

Ck, Ich weiss nicht.

I think I need time to figure out what I REALLY want.
Time...and clear mind.
Clear mind? When I ever have such thing?

A Piece of Notes by a Lonely Vampire

on Friday, July 16, 2010
It's 4 hours before the dawn coming...

Poor little man. As I look at him now, I rewind the memory of his unfortunate fate that has brought him to me tonight.
He was walking alone in the front of my house, singing and shouting to the night sky with a beer in the right hand, and some chocolate in the left hand. Stupid drunker.

Now, after his alcoholic blood has been dried out from his body, I feel a weird emotion crawling in every inch of my dead body.


Or should I say....loneliness?

I saw this documentary on the TV yesterday night, and I suprised.
It's the sun. How long was it since the last time I feel it's heat?
I recall a piece of memory where I was running in a beautiful field, feeling the grass on my feet and celebrating the summer of those year.

That big and bright thing at the blue sky amazed me...after a very long time of friendship with the night's dark.
Another memory came by! Such a chain reaction a sun can brought!

Summer, I was 15. My family went to a beach. We played in the sea, throwing sand at each other, then suddenly my elder brother rushing toward me, lift me with his strong hand and throw me to the sea.
We all laughed. Happy. And I was sured that the sun also smiling.
When was the last time I laughed like that?

Another memory.
Fall, I was 17. Walking in a road with maple trees along its side, with a man named Thomas. I loved him. He was kind, attractive, and funny--everything I liked in a man.
The next year he was signed for the war. We spent the last day, whole day, together and as I bid him a goodbye at the train station, I prayed for his return.

I guess my prayer hasn't heard by God.
For Thomas did return to me, in a coffin covered with flag. They said he was strong. They said it takes a very experienced sniper to took him down.
I thank God for he was shot and gone with a quick death. Not shattered by bomb, screaming wildly as he search for his leg.

I should've cried right now, isn't it?
But I can't. I lost half of my emotion as the price of my immortality.
And I lost count of my age too. I think I even forgot my birthday.

When I was reborn as what I am right now, the first thought that came to me was hope.
I hope I could bring back those who was taken from me. Bring them back, as my aunt bring me back that day. My grandfather, my poor little brother, my mother....and Thomas.
But I had to learn that I can't. They had been gone for long.

The immortality paid with great price. Loss, for example. I witnessed the death of my father, and my brothers in old age. Also my friend, and every one I knew.
They envied me for my everlasting youth, I envied them for what they can experience as a human--family, old age, death.

Death? Yes, I desired it.
I'm quite curious about it. What it feels like to be dead? How dark end empty is it to close your eyes forever?
Will I meet again with my family and my Thomas, as what they always said?
Will I meet God? Will I face them all with fangs? Or as a human?

Death pretty easy for me. Seeing the sun again means death.
But will I do those act?

Well, being a vampire has it's own fun.
Like one day a thief came into my house in the middle of the night. He thought the house was empty.
He ended up as my dinner.

Some days I met another vampire. A nice guy, one day. But I don't know why, I keep comparing him with my Thomas. I guess I was cursed. He cursed me from heaven. Maybe.

The dawn is closing now.
I don't really know how to end this note.
I guess I'll live. For another 100 years, if I want to.
After these years I learned that the dead may not always come back. That death is a part of living itself, as well as breathing, eating...and drinking blood.
Loss, love, pain....are just ingredients that gives the life its flavor.

And something so mysterious.
Knows no death. Knows no time. It has its own dimension.

But for me, it is my greatest treasure, worth more than immortality.

Good night, preys.

Kurus? Ha.Ha.

on Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fakta ini memukul gw dengan keras!
Sekeras bonggol kayu yang dipukulkan ke kepala anjing malang yang akan menjadi santapan di restoran tertentu.
Sekeras batu yang dipakai untuk merajam orang pada jaman dahulu.
Sekeras botol bir yang dihantam ke kepala orang pas lagi berantem.
Sekeras eeknya orang sembelit.

"DUAAAAGGGH!!!!" gitu.




Liburan emang selalu membawa dampak jelek ke gw. Udah makan ga teratur, ngemil berlebih, gw pun jadi MALAS ke mana-mana dan ngapa-ngapain.
Di rumaaaaaah doang, kalo ga nonton tivi ya di depan leptop internetan.
Kalo agak rajin, barulah gw cuci piring.
Kalo lumayan rajin: nyapu dan ngepel.
Rajin laaaah: sikatin karport dan teras.
Rajin loh! : cuci baju.
Rajin gila! : bersihin wese.
Pembantu: bersihin rumah menyeluruh.

Ya, intinya level gw sangat jauh dari pembantu. Paling mentok gw sampe cuci baju.
Habis itu?



(demi alasan gengsi, berat badan terbilang tidak akan dipaparkan)

Solusi yang kemudian terpikir adalaaaaah: *tet tot* FITNESS.

Gw emang udah daftar di Cefit sejak Januari, tapi baru sempat ikut lagi sekarang. Kan gw kuliah, jadi di Depok mulu. Sementara di sekitar kosan gw juga tidak ada Cefit, jadinya selama sekitar satu semester, gw tetep bayar iuran bulanannya walaupun ga datang ke sana.

Tapi ini pun bukan berarti bebas dari masalah!
Masalahnya adalah: (mungkin) semua lokasi Cefit berada di dalam mall. Di dalam mall berarti: dekat dengan tempat MAKAN.


Pas awal2, gw abis fitness langsung makan, dengan dalih bahwa gw harus mengganti energi yang terbuang. Ekor-ekornya, gw makan kebanyakan.
SAME JUST LIE! (sama aja bo'ong)
Sekarang akhirnya gw mengembangkan pola baru: sarapan, makan siang dengan karbohidrat, lalu fitness sore hari, dan tidak makan berat lagi di atas jam 6. Terutama mengurangi konsumsi karbohidrat berlebih, fast food, indomie, dan minyak.

Ini hari ke-3.
Yaaaah, sejauh ini boleh lah.
I started to think that fast foods are disgusting. Entah kenapa, karena gw terakhir kali makan A&W dan setelah itu perut gw ga enak, gw langsung eneg liat ayam A&W. Padahal gw suka banget sama ayam tsb....sebelumnya.

Lalu indomie. Gw berusaha keras memalaskan diri gw untuk pergi membeli indomie, atau pergi ke rak indomie kalau lagi belanja.
Well, I think it's kinda works.

Target gw ga jauh-jauh dulu. Satu minggu dulu lah. Kita lihat bagaimana hasilnya.
Apakah gw KURUS? (beratnya turun)
Atau gw hanya MERASA KURUS? (berat tetap, sugesti berlebih)



What 5 months has brought

on Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Yesterday was 12th.
And after February the 12th, I knew that 12th would never be the same again forever.
Every month of my life.

It's been 5 months since my dear grandma past away. And not a single day that I not missed her. I think that was the first real lost I've felt after 19 years of my life.


But many things had happened since, and it's not like that I was all misery and sad. I'm a sanguinis, and that means I'll never be in one state or feeling for more than--I think personally-- 5 minutes :D

Yah, daripada sedih-sedihan terus.
Saya punya cerita.

Di suatu malam yang indah, ketika saya dan keluarga sedang ngobrol-ngobrol santai, tiba-tiba saya bercerita tentang dekan saya.

Dekan terlalu saya kenal.
Mungkin orang-orang di dunia hukum kenal.
Atau orang-orang di kampus.
Atau orang-orang di dekat ruangannya di lantai 2 itu gedung A itu.

Sekilas pandang, dari segi sampul, wajah beliau terlihat...maaf...mesum.
Seperti bapak-bapak yang siap menculik anak-anak berusia 17 tahun ke atas, diajak ke tempat remang-remang atau ke hotel, lalu digauli.

Atau bapak-bapak yang sering nongkrong malem-malem, nyari cewek-cewek yang menjajakan dirinya.

Yah, itu yang terlihat dari mukanya.
Saya tahu pasti dia bukan orang yang begitu. Benar toh, Pak?


Pak....saya masih...mahasiswa FH UI kan, Pak?
Jangan DO saya Pak, ampun.... >.<

Ya, jadi saya lalu menceritakan itu pada orang tua saya.
Saya juga menceritakan kalau dekan saya tercinta itu....suka bermain band.

Atas pernyataan ini, ayah saya bertanya balik:
"Oh, dia pegang alat apa?"

Celetuk ibu saya:

"Alat kelamin."

"Lah, kan kata kamu mukanya mesum?" katanya membela diri.

Terlambat sudah.
Kami sudah meledak tertawa.

Georgine is RISE FROM THE DEAD!!!

Iya, judulnya berlebihan.
Tidak ada yang bangkit dari kematian.
I'm alive, and well.
Dead? Never.....yet.

But my point is:



*nyalain kembang api*

*bikin hajatan*

*potong tumpeng*

Yah, intinya saya memutuskan untuk aktif lagi di dunia blog.


Post terakhir tanggal 29 Oktober 2009.

Many things happened since.

Well, but i think i'm gonna try to be active again here, because i think i need a place to write my stories....and without have to care whether anyone would read it or not.

So, i'm active on blog.