
on Monday, November 24, 2008
Mari mengheningkan cipta sejenak, karena hari ini, tepatnya pada tahun 1991

Freddie Mercury

meninggal dunia di rumahnya akibat komplikasi AIDS.

Character-Idol Syndrome

on Friday, November 21, 2008
I had this situation before.

I'd been through this kinda stats before.

But still.......I shocked! I was panic!
Then I cried.

The first time happened when I was in Junior High School in Santa Maria. After I reached the last pages and last chapters of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

I found out that SIRIUS BLACK, my favourite character, and the character I loved the most....


Everytime I read that chapter/part of the story...everytime I watch the scene on the movie...I cried.
Simply because I LOVE that Sirius Black very much. And I almost felt like Harry, losing him.

SECOND! Which is today...
I was very happy because finally the new chapter of NARUTO had been scanned in my fave manga-download site.
So, HAPPILY, I downloaded the chapter. Chapter 425. Please read it if you want: http://www.onemanga.com/Naruto/425/01/

Now it's time to read!!




Kakashi Hatake



Note: Hatake Kakashi/Kakashi Hatake, my 'Sirius Black' on Naruto manga.


Grandma, I'm scared.

This things started when my grandma was still in my house 3 months ago. She said her stomach were hurt, and after eating only soft things, having any kind of drugs, she went home the mistery of her stomach.

We even went to the hospital, did some rontgen, and came home with empty handed. We still didn't know what's the problem with my gradma's stomach.

A few days ago, my mom told me that my grandma was going to have a surgery. Finally, after a second check-up in some hospital, we know that her stomach....her 'usus' has an infection.

Okay. That news was 1 week ago.

Yesterday, my cousin in Ambon sms me. I thought it was just a say-hello-sms, but after I read what she wrote, I SURPRISED! She said:

"Oti (my grandma) and Opa is here, in ambon. Our house is very crowded, because the whole family are gathering here.
When will you come to Ambon?"

Okay, just IGNORE the question.

"To pray for her. So her illness can go away and she can be healty again."

IT'S SO CREEPY! When my mom arrived home, I couldn't stop myself from asking her:










okay, maybe watching too many drama movie isn't good. But....I got all the prove! My grandma suddenly went to Ambon after she knows that she's going to have a surgery (it's like she want to be in the place she was born to face her death), and she's making a family gathering (like she want to see all the family before her time comes).


"No." my mom answered calmly.


"Well, you see....she's old. When she heard about the surgery, she was scared and decided not to do the surgery."


"Let me say it like this. There is a snake in the house. Now, it is not important WHERE or HOW the snake came to our house, but what is more important is GET RID of the snake. THEN, we can asked to someone how could the snake got into the house. Grandma and grandpa are too worrying about the HOW, because the doctor couldn's answer that....and so.....this is what happened."

"Soo.....grandma is okay?"

"Well, not really.....but I think she'll be alive."



Hmm....i don't know actually.

on Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Like the title, I really don't know about my feeling right now. I was just coming home from my guitar lesson, where I met my new teacher. He's a pro guitarist, and he went to a music school in UPH. Let's give him a name.....Ted. Why? Because he's a little fat and he has a round face. The first creature that came up to my mind was a teddy bear, sooo let's just call him so.

Okay. This is the first time I met Ted. My previous teacher was Lia, and because of some reason, the big boss change my teacher to him. If you still remember about my older posts, you will find a description about my boss' pro guitar student, who played the god-song LA CATHEDRAL at the gathering night.

And I think he's the only person who can play that song....except for the arranger AND of course...the boss himself.
That song was.....I don't know. From scale 1 to 10, the level of the song is 9. So it's like VERY HARD with many slurs and complicated finger position.

I admire him, of course. He looks like a guitar god to me. The first time I knew that he was going to be my teacher, I was TOTALLY surprised and I don't know how to prepare myself to meet him.

Untill it happened. Today.
I was trying to play the song ADELITA as good as I can, but thanks to my nervous feeling, my hand started to get wet--which is TROUBLE--and I couldn't play anyting right. I was just finished playing the first line, when he stopped me and started to commenting everyting.


Looks like he doubted my guitar skill, because he asked to repeat the basic skill like the very-easy-type of slurs and apoyando--a right hand style to play the strings.

Okay, that's not even made me better. WORST! I couldn't play anything right then, thanks to TED. I was completely embarrased, esp when he asked me: "How long have you been learning here, Gebi?"


The lesson ended with a homework from him. He told me to just play BOUREE truly and without mistakes because it's a BAROQUE song. He said: "Let's forget about Adelita. Just learn that Bouree."


So I think I have made a very good image with him. Nice, Georgine. Very nice, even.

Back to the real world.
I came home with a messy feeling, didn't know what I should really feel right now. My mom just came home and asked me her favourite question:

"Gebi...why don't you go and study some math?"


I have this blank feeling--just like now, and this is kinda not good, because every single 'touch' of any emotion will FILL ME directly, and that emotion will lasts for a long time. And thanks to my mother's vancy question, now I'm bored. Well, not totally bored actually. I'm still blank.

Great. Yessica is just getting online. Now I can't chat with her, thanks to my MOM's vancy question.

In dreams, there's no such word 'impossible'.

Japan Expo!

on Monday, November 17, 2008
Udah agak basi mungkin, topiknya, tapi seenggaknya masih layak untuk diceritakan...

Jadi, beberapa waktu yang lalu, gw, J.yo, dan Irene pergi ke Japan Expo di Kemayoran. Kita berangkat naek angkutan kebangsaan kita, yaitu TRANS BSD, kemudian lanjut naek bajaj. Gw udah berusaha untuk mencari cara ke sana yang lebih murah dan nyaman, tapi setelah konsultasi dengan si peta berjalan--nyokap gw--kami pun memilih cara di atas.

Sip! Sampailah kita di Japan Expo. Masuknya bayar bo, spuluh rebu! Trus kita liat2 ke dalam.....

Seperti event2 jepang pada umumnya, pasti ada yang namanya cosplay. Benar aja. Ini adalah beberapa foto gw dengan cosplay2 oke:

Om, om oke banget dah! Kreatip! Memadukan budaya Jepang dan Indonesia. Jempol dah, buat om!!

Mas, tinggalin nomer hape dan YM di shoutbox ya...^^

Hm...sebenarnya kurang banyak yang menarik, ditambah lagi wilayahnya luas banget. Yang sangat berkesan dari acara itu adalah trio TAIKO dari Jepang, dan gw yang diajarin cara maen gitar jepang.

Titisan Brian May.

Nah, karena ga ada kerjaan lagi, kita naek bajaj...
kembali ke PASAR BARU!!

Bgitu tiba, kita makan dulu di KFC. Habis itu....

IT'S TIME TO HUNT SOME GLASSES!!!! YIIIIHAAAAA!!!! *pak-ketipak-ketipuk-ketipak-ketipuk...*
Musik Renegade pun mengalun...

Setelah muter2 kayak orang sinting di pasar baru, kamipun pulang....berbekal kacamata, kalung, minuman, dan tentu saja MINYAK WAJAH yang tebal setengah mampus hasil dari udara Jakarta yang sangat indah.

Hasil hari ini: seorang fans Audrey Hephburn yang mau aja foto sama anak ilang dari Zimbabwe.

Tiga orang aneh...gaya di depan gedung kesenian jakarta.

Dari kiri: Miss Kongo, Miss Zambia, Miss Uzbekiztan.


people ARE changing

on Monday, November 10, 2008
Yeah, semua orang berubah. Gw juga, tentu saja. Mungkin ada kebiasaan2 baru gw skarang, yang sobat2 gw belom tau ato belom biasa.

Yah, ini bukan masalah besar sih...hanya gw aja yang agak kaget menghadapi perubahan seseorang. (kurang lebih) sembilan bulan itu waktu yang lama. Gw aja udah tambah aneh. Apalagi dia??
Tapi.....kok dia jadi ga asik ya? Jadi beda....leluconnya ga lucu lagi. Bahkan gw udah ga bisa ngikutin arah omongan dia. Udah benar2 ga nyambung. Untuk ketawa aja mikir. Adanya malah ketawa getir.

Gw berubah. Gw bukan lagi seorang anak yang memimpikan dirinya bisa jadi dokter dan menyelamatkan orang2 di Afrika.
Bukan lagi seorang cewe yang bermimpi jadi seorang arkeolog hanya karena gw suka dengan acara2 gali tulang dinosaurus itu.
Bukan lagi cewe yang ngaku naksir abis sama Daniel Radcliffe.
Gw ga ngomong nyablak lagi. Gw ga secuek dulu lagi.

Sekarang......rasa sensitif gw malah bertambah! Sialan...

Tapi anehnya....gw jadi semakin 'mati rasa'. Ga tau kenapa. Gw orangnya emang ga sensitif dalam hal2 tertentu. Seperti pas ada masalah di kelas gw, gw nyadarnya belakangan. Pas ada ini dan itu...pasti gw nyadarnya telat. Ga peka lah, pokoknya.

Kayak waktu itu juga. Pas malem2 bokap gw ngedatengin gw dan bilang kalo dia dan nyokap mau pisah, gw biasa2 aja. Ga nangis heboh, ga terpukul, hati gw ga hancur berkeping-keping, gw ga menangis pilu, gw ga langsung doa bercucuran air mata sama Tuhan.
Ga kaget, shock, kejang2, mulut berbusa....


Intinya gitu. Walopun akhirnya ortu gw bae2 aja sampe sekarang, tapi ya gitu lah. Gw bener2 ga merasa apa2. Sedih.....mungkin dikit.

I have someone who are really precious to me. He was there when I'm at my darkest time....when everything that I'd tried to get myself to something were failed. I loved him very much. And with his condition now, I'm so afraid that one day he'll suddenly passed away.

When that moment come...I can't even imagine my reaction.
Gw yang suka mati rasa ini...bakal gimana?
Will I instantly cry? Will I just sit down on my bed with and empty eyes?
Will I roar like a one hurted lioness?

Everytime I pray to every member of the family, I always ask God to protect him. I can't imagine how empty I would feel when the day comes.
Because like he used to do...can he stop my tears and sorrow with his right-hand-hug even if he's gone?

Can he?

Can you do it if he can't.......God?

nul nul pitu asooiijjjj!!!!

on Sunday, November 9, 2008

Abis nonton nul nul pitu di WTC 21 hari sabtu lalu.


Lebih seru dari Casino Royale!
Mas Craig lebih SEXY!

Neng Kurylenko HOT ABEEES!

Bang Amalric NAJIS SUMPE!

Nih, jadi ceritanya kali ini berkisar antara pengejaran si James Bond pada sebuah organisasi dimana si Vesper dulunya bekerja. Organisasi ini nyaris ga ada, karena M16 aja baru tau tentang hal tsb.

Setelah kebut2an maut, si James membawa seorang narasumber untuk ditanyai. Tiba2, ada orang M16 yang berkhianat dan si orang tadi pun kabur. Si M malah sempat ketembak.

Abis itu, mulailah si James nyari2 orang itu. Dia lalu ke Haiti. Di sana, dia ngebunuh orang yang katanya/ngakunya pacar Vesper apa gimanaaaaa gitu. Orangnya abis. Mati. Dihantam sampe mampus sama om nul-nul-pitu. Kluar2 hotel, tau2 ada cewe yg nyuruh dia naek mobil.

Eh, si James ternyata mao dibunuh sama si cewe. Dia lolos. Si cewe itupun ketemu Greene, yang ternyata pacarnya gitu deeh..

Trus terjadilah kejar2an laut antara kapal kayu butut namun asoij melawan kapal karet bermesin canggih.

Yah, blabla dan blibli pun terjadi. Si James jadi dituduh membunuh gitu, dan si M sempat hilang kepercayaan sama dia. Trus, cewe yang bernama Fields itu....CANTIK BO! Gw dah ga pengen dia mati, EEEEH!
Mati. Mengenaskan lagi. Berlumur minyak/oli gitu. Sampe masuk paru2 lagi...>.<

Tapi overall, FILM INI SANGAT BAGUS! Lebih seru dari yang pertama, trus si Bond lebih manusiawi gitu. Kayaknya akhir2 ini film2 superhero ato semacamnya lebih manusiawi yaa??

Trus lebih banyak actionnya.....walopun mnurut gw kadang2 cara ngambil gambarnya rada bikin kliyeng. TERLALU LINCAH! Si James lari, kameramen ikutan lari. Gambarnya jadi goyang2 gitu, dan gw PUSING ngeliatnya!

Si om Greene. Apapun yang dia lakukan, SEMUANYA NAJIS! Mukanya itu loh....IIIIIH!!! Apalagi suaranya!

HEH! Ayo cepet naek ke mobil!

Salah satu adegan dengan kutipan favorit gw:
"James....move your ass."

Satu selesai...satunya lagi menunggu.

on Thursday, November 6, 2008
Yah, hari ini akhirnya Technical Meeting terlaksana dengan baik. Walopun hujan, tapi seenggaknya Vespa akhirnya menunjukkan lampu hijau dengan beberapa skolah yang udah mau berpartisipasi.

Makasih banyak....>.<

Satu tugas selesai untuk Vespa, sementara tugas lain menunggu. Perform. IYAP, dengan berakhirnya TM secara cukup memuaskan, sekarang gw dah bisa lumayan tenang dan mule konsen ke PERFORM BAHASA!!

Hmm...I think there's nothing so important today, but....
I'm happy that at least I 'have' him at these days. A little light at this confusing black hole...

Finally, a spark of hope!

on Saturday, November 1, 2008
Hari sabtu pun gw masi harus kerja buat vespa. Tugas kali ini adalah: memberi kunjungan pada para guru ekskul yang bakal pameran. Enak sih, jalan2. Seenggaknya gw bisa tersenyum pada anak2 ekskul perancis sambil mengasihani mereka....betapa beraaaaaaaaat dan salahnya pilihan mereka.

Apalagi yang dapat kelasnya si boss, si madame nina.

"Qu'est-ce que c'est?"
*baca: keskese??...dengan nada sangat tinggi di akhir kalimat*

Yang bikin lega adalah fakta bahwa BEBERAPA EKSKUL UDAH MULE KERJA!!!
Wuih, lega banget perasaan gw. Rasanya gw bisa kembali optimisss...


What was very sucks today was our perform meeting this morning. Tree got her mood bad because we didn't show up on the last meeting, and SHE MADE US HER DISSAPOINTMENT+ANGER TARGET BOARD!!

Shit, man! How many times should I remind myself that I extremely hate to be an innocent anger target??!! My mom often made me like that, so that's kinda traumatic.


Can't we just debating without tears, please?? Go to hell with your anger but please...

Forget it. I already feel better now.
A LOT better.

And stop saying anything again and again. First, it would be very meaningful. But after you repeated it THREE times, it had become meaningless.
Stop thinking that you're the only person who is so concern about the perform, and THE ONLY PERSON WITH BUNCH OF THINGS IN YOUR HEAD.

Oh, how I really SHARE those bunch!