
on Tuesday, October 16, 2012
They say the captain goes down with the ship
So when the world ends, will God go down with it?
- Fall Out Boy "What A Catch, Donnie"

Simple words. Simple facts.
It slams you like a hammer, plunge your stomach into an invisible dark hole.
Music follows.
The song matches the sudden scrutiny of your mind.

Questions follows.
Am I that stupid?
Have I screwed my life?
Is this karma?
Is this what I want?
Have I made my parent proud?
Is this the right path?
Did God actually hear my prayer?
Is this worth everything?

Words of encouragement are now just rubbish.
You try to read the consolation behind it, but as for now...those are just words.
You doubt.
You fall.
You're alone.

Are You up there?
Please come down and sit beside me.
I could use some hug...
....and consolation.

Iseng-Iseng Malam-Malam Dingin-Dingin

on Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Halo! Kembali lagi bersama Georgine di blog Georgine ini!
Malam ini gw memutuskan, daripada tjoerhat tentang diri sendiri kayak post sebelumnya, mending bikin post interaktif yang bisa di-repost semua orang :)

Nah, berikut ada pertanyaan-pertanyaan random yang sekiranya boleh di-post ulang sesuai dengan jawaban anda masing-masing. Semoga menyenangkan :D

1. Berasal dari bahasa mana nama (pertama) anda dan apa artinya?
Georgine - dari bahasa Latin atau Yunani. Asal kata: George. Arti: "earth worker" atau petani.

2. Video klip (musik) apa yang paling berkesan dalam hidup anda, dan kenapa?
Michael Jackson-Earth Song, video klip pertama yang bisa membuat gw merinding dan ketakutan gara-gara ada gajah matinya itu.

3. Apa penyanyi dan judul lagu yang paling lama ada di playlist (iTunes, Winamp, WMP, dll) anda (belum pernah di-delete dari dulu)?
Phil Collins-Look Through My Eyes

4. Apakah anda pernah ke warnet? Kalau ya, pengalaman apa yang paling berkesan saat ke warnet?
Gw dan seorang teman nonton vid klip Taeyang-Prayer pertama kalinya, pas lagi ngefans-ngefansnya sama si anggota Big Bang itu. Nah, saking bersemangatnya kita tapi di saat yang sama juga malu kalo teriak-teriak di warnet, jadi kita cuma bisa cubit-cubitan dan jedotin kepala ke tembok bilik saking girangnya.

5. Benda apa yang paling sering anda tatap di kamar anda?
Cover belakang DVD Mirror Mirror yang mencuat keluar dari antara buku-buku kuliah.

6. Jika anda seorang jenius dan memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah invensi, apa yang ingin anda temukan?
Alat transfer lemak tubuh.

7. Benda apa yang terdapat dalam anime/manga/game yang paling ingin anda miliki?
Koleksi gym badge di Pokemon.

8. Mana yang paling anda percayai: ramalan zodiac, ramalan shio, atau primbon? Kenapa?
Ramalan zodiac, soalnya so far akurat.

9. Cara mati seperti apa yang paling anda takuti?
Mati pelan-pelan...misalnya terkubur hidup-hidup...mengetahui fakta bahwa gw akan kehabisan napas dan mati tanpa bisa berbuat apa-apa.

10. Jenis makhluk gaib/makhluk halus apa yang paling anda takuti dan kenapa?
Suster Ng**** (nulisnya aja takut). Soalnya gw apapun yang suka melakukan trik-trik gatau-dari-mana-tetiba-pegang-pegang-kaki.

11. Buku apa yang ingin sekali anda lihat diadaptasi jadi film/serial?
Burgerlijk Wetboek Mahabharata dibikin film kolosal sekeren LOTR.

12. Kalau anda sedang mengisi ini sambil mendengarkan musik, lagu apa yang sedang anda dengarkan?
Schuyler Fisk & Dave Bassett-Waking Life.

13. Apa hal tergila yang bisa anda imajinasikan sekarang juga?
Naik taksi ke bandara trus beli tiket on the spot ke Ambon.

14. Hewan apa yang menurut anda sebaiknya tidak perlu ada di muka bumi ini?

15. Bayangkan anda memiliki sebuah band terkenal. Apa genrenya dan nama apa yang akan anda beri pada band itu? Anda akan memainkan alat musik apa di band itu?
Genre band: jazz/blues ala New Orleans tahun 1920an. Sebagai vokalis dan pemain saxophone. Nama band: Piccadilly Blues.

16. Benda apa yang anda koleksi?
Sendok. Kartu hotel.

17. Tempat apa yang paling ingin anda kunjungi sebelum mati (sebut 3)?
Kastil Neuschweinstein, Jerman.
Pulau Easter.
Kampung Sahetapy di Ihamahu, Saparua.

18. Hewan apa yang paling ingin anda lihat secara langsung (sebut 3)?
Paus biru.
Yeti/Bigfoot Dinosaurus

19. Penemuan apa yang anda anggap paling jenius?
Breast Holder alias Bra.

20. Benda apa yang paling-tidak-tega-dan-tidak-akan-pernah anda buang (satu saja)?
Boneka beruang biru.

pertanyaan bonus:


Pertanyaan bonus ini silahkan dijawab dalam hati aja. Sambil senyum-senyum sendiri aja. Tapi kalo mau ditulis juga gapapa.
Bukan, pertanyaan bonus ini tidak berhubungan dengan fakta bahwa saya tengah membaca Fifty Shades of Grey.
Pertanyaan itu pernah ditanyakan seorang teman saya anak psikologi berinisial W yang rupanya sedang mendapatkan materi itu di kuliahnya. Tetiba lagi keinget aja peristiwa random waktu gw ditanyain pertanyaan itu.

tag: Jeanne, Adiz, Audrey, Metta :)


on Monday, October 8, 2012
Berapa lama lagi, Tuhan, Kaulupakan aku terus-menerus?
Berapa lama lagi Kausembunyikan wajah-Mu terhadap aku?
Berapa lama lagi aku harus menaruh kekuatiran dalam diriku, dan bersedih hati sepanjang hari?

Mazmur 13: 2-3a.

Sebuah ungkapan yang sangat manusiawi dari seorang manusia yang dipilih menjadi raja oleh Tuhan.
Ia tahu doanya sampai ke Tuhan. Ia tahu Tuhan telah mendengarnya. Namun kapan doa itu dijawab?

Gadis itu juga tahu Tuhan mendengar doanya. Ia lahir dengan keyakinan. Ibu bapaknya mengajarinya tentang dia yang lebih agung dari segala manusia. Dia, yang kepadaNya semua orang memohon.
Sejak ia bisa berbicara, ia berdoa. Gadis itu merangkai kata sederhana kepada Dia, meminta apa yang paling diinginkannya. Meminta Dia menjaga ibu bapaknya. Meminta diberikan mainan yang sangat ia inginkan.

Ketika ibunya berangkat pergi untuk menuntut ilmu, kepada Dia ia berdoa agar ibunya cepat pulang. Ketika ia pindah ke kota besar dan tidak punya teman, gadis itu berdoa agar Dia memberi kesabaran dan pengertian, bagaimana mengikuti arus kehidupan di kota besar itu. Ketika tiba waktunya mengakhiri satu jenjang pendidikan, si gadis berdoa agar Dia membantu dalam mengerjakan ujiannya.

Semakin dewasa, si gadis belajar untuk tidak hanya meminta, namun juga bersyukur. Dia sudah memberi sangat banyak. Dia, tidak mengenal kata tidak. Dia mengarahkan ke pilihan yang lebih baik. Karena Dia sangat mengenal anak-anakNya.

Di suatu siang Dia memanggil nenek si gadis untuk pulang ke rumahNya. Si gadis tidak pernah kehilangan siapapun sebelumnya. Sampai sekarang, si gadis masih merindukan wanita itu. Teringat terakhir kali ia dipeluk oleh perempuan itu di bandara. Teringat ketika terakhir kali ia berbicara dengan wanita itu, memberinya ucapan ulang tahun.

Sekarang gadis itu sendirian. Tersesat dalam jaring pikirannya sendiri. Terpecah dalam jalan bercabang yang terhampar di hadapannya. Ia kembali berdoa. Ia perlu tahu, ia perlu yakin, apakah Dia masih menuntunnya ke arah yang benar.

Gadis itu pergi mencari Dia. Gadis itu berdoa dan berdoa, terkadang bercerita. Melantunkan apa saja yang bisa ia katakan. Menumpahkan semua resah dalam hatinya. Melakukan apa yang ia bisa, sambil terus berbicara pada Dia.

Tapi di mana Dia?
Berapa lama lagi?

Kemudian gadis itu tersadar. Dia tidak pernah hilang, tidak pernah jauh.
Bayangan yang dia tatap ketika menunduk ke bawah, ketika menatap dinding yang kosong, saat melewati langit cerah. Bayangan itu Dia. Gelap malam adalah bayangNya yang melingkup manusia dalam lindunganNya.

Gadis itu kini mencari jawaban. Jawaban dari Dia. Mungkin ia harus merunduk rata dengan rumput, memandang matahari hingga matanya pedih, menggali batu-batu yang keras. Dia selalu ada dengan jawabannya. Gadis itu sekarang tahu Dia tidak pernah pergi. Namun jawaban, itulah yang harus ia cari.

Dear life...

on Sunday, June 10, 2012
I'm 21

I don't need more drama in my life.
I don't need fake people.

I do need more love.
I do need honest people.
Don't have to be kind, just honest. Because you can't satisfy everybody with your personality.

These are my prayers.
So help me god.


on Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The age limit where now legal to do some things such as: drinking, buying hentai comics, marrying without your parents' consent, etc.

For me, every time I write "21" on a form or on an age-question-block, it's like my inner conscience slapped me hard and said:


To which I would reply with: DAMN, I'm old!

Anyway, despite all of this age consciousness, I'm proudly say that on the 18th of April 2012, I WAS HAPPY.

I got three surprises, some presents, and most of all, I feel loved and blessed.

And the cakes varies from a blueberry muffin, chocolate coffee cake, and an ice cream cake. Thanks every one! I love you all! I also got a Starbucks' tumbler :D
And of course, I got the coolest early-birthday present from my parent, which are an Acer Aspire One 722 and an iPhone 4S, mihihihihihihihihihi :*

I really love the writing on this cake (Happy Birthday "Kakak Pertama")
I love you all, my wakadivs and staffs :*

Georgine Bianca Avella Sahetapy
1 years old -- 21 years old
A million thank and love to everything that happened between those 20 awesome years.

Of course, thank you God.
And bless me for the next years in my life.

To him that lingers in my mind...

on Monday, April 9, 2012
When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong

I'd go hungry I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

The stroms are raging on the rolling seas
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
But you ain't see nothing like me yet

I can make you happy make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love

(Adele-Make You Feel My Love)

I still haven't got the courage to tell you my feelings.
I don't think it's necessery either, since I haven't really understand this feeling.
But for now...yeah, I like you.
So far, I think you're the perfect match for me.

Well, when I'm sure, I'll tell you.
I'll even sing this for you.


on Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The only month in a year that has 28 or 29 days.
And I wrote this on its 29th day. I'll be meeting this date again on 2016.

So...here's some post.

This month I started my 6th semester with some busy weeks. I was pretty sure that holiday has its jetlag, and that I'm still trying to deal with it.
For the first time in years, I'm having post-holiday-food-jetlag. I miss my maid's food. I miss my mom's cooking. I miss everything I ate in the dining table. I found out that I was extremely fed up with FH cantine's meals.

This month we let my dear funny cousine Luna stayed at our house in Jakarta for 10 days. It was one precious experience to me, and I really love that girl :)

This month I let my mind focused on what I want to do in live, and what I want to achieve. I learned that life's not owned by those who are strong and smart, but more to those who are adaptable and enduring.
I realized every day that God is kind. Life is kind. And if you can't find a way through life, make one. Make one and believe in it. And thank God I have my family as my 'god', whom I can really worship and believe in.

I thank my friends for keeping up with me through my experiments time.
I thank my parents for the endless education.
I thank my grandpa for showing what true love is.
I thank my grandma for showing what growing old is.
I thank my precious stuff for teaching me to be more cautious.
I thank my money for showing me that it needs to be saved.
I thank my brain for keeping me sane.
I thank my heart for keeping me kind.
I thank my dreams for keeping me on track.
I thank my God for keeping me alive...and for everything.

Gosh, that was serious.

Okay, move to the kind of funny stuff..in Indonesian.

Bulan ini gw belajar apa rasanya jadi ibu-ibu yang punya anak berusia 3 tahun yang rasanya tidak mau berhenti bergerak dan bicara, juga bagaimana rasanya ketika:

1. Dimarahin karena bikin susu kelamaan sama anak umur 3 tahun;
2. Bikin anak umur 3 tahun nangis sesenggukan;
3. Gendong anak umur 3 tahun biar tidur lagi gara kebangun pas tidur siang;
4. Mengidupkan imajinasi masa kecil demi anak umur 3 tahun;
5. Tempat tidur berbau campuran pipis dan susu gara-gara tidur dengan anak umur 3 tahun;
6. Beliin macam-macam mainan yang bahkan jaman dulu tidak gw miliki untuk si anak umur 3 tahun;
7. Temenin anak umur 3 tahun main-main di tempat bermain supermarket sampe capek;
8. Ngajarin anak umur 3 tahun nyanyi;
9. Ngajarin anak umur 3 tahun ngomong aneh-aneh;
10. Cebokin anak umur 3 tahun abis boker.

this is the 3 years old Luna. The 10-days-boss at my house.

but I love her :3



Tidak, gw tidak siap jadi ibu sekarang.
Gw masih mau senang-senang, hepi-hepi, bego-begoan, dan merayakan ulang tahun ke 21 gw.

Oh ya, personally, menurut gw Februari ini adalah bulan yang suram. Banyak sekali kabar mengenai teman atau kerabat teman yang meninggal.

Di bulan ini juga, ketika tengah melayat di rumah seorang senior yang tengah kehilangan ibunya, gw dan beberapa teman-teman Perfilma dengan impulsifnya memutuskan untuk memberikan penghiburan dengan lagu....yang untungnya cukup sukses.

Dilanjutkan dengan makan-makan di KFC Lenteng Agung, dan berujung ke peristiwa "Mobil Togar" yang super tolil, tapi sayangnya tidak bisa gw ceritakan di sini, karena what happened in Togar's car, stays in Togar's car, mfufufufufufufufu :3

Well, anyway, good bye February!
May March come with a brighter day!
And may all my wish come true.


The Nominees Are Out!

on Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The Artist
The Descendants
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
The Help
Midnight In Paris
The Tree of Life
War Horse


Demian Bichir (A Better Life)
George Clooney (The Descendants)
Jean Dujardin (The Artist)
Gary Oldman (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)
Brad Pitt (Moneyball)


Glenn Close (Albert Nobbs)
Viola Davis (The Help)
Rooney Mara (Girl With Dragon Tattoo)
Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady)
Michelle Williams (My Week with Marilyn)


Kenneth Branagh (My Week with Marilyn)
Jonah Hill (Moneyball)
Nick Nolte (Warrior)
Christopher Plummer (Beginner)
Max von Sydow (Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close


Berenice Bejo (The Artist)
Jessica Chastain (The Help)
Melissa McCarthy (Bridesmaid)
Janet McTeer (Albert Nobbs)
Octavia Spencer (The Help)


A Cat In Paris
Chico & Rita
Kung Fu Panda 2
Puss In Boots


The Artist
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2
Midnight In Paris
War Horse


The Artist
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Tree of Life
War Horse


The Artist
Jane Eyre


Michel Hazanavicus (The Artist)
Alexander Payne (The Descendants)
Martin Scorsese (Hugo)
Woody Allen (Midnight In Paris)
Terrence Malick (The Tree of Life)


Hell and Back Again
If A Tree Fall: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front
Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory


The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement
God Is The Bigger Elvis
Incident In New Baghdad
Saving Face
The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom


The Artist
The Descendants
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


Bullhead (Belgium)
Footnote (Israel)
In Darkness (Poland)
Monsieur Lazhar (Canada)
A Separation (Iran)


Albert Nobbs
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2
The Iron Lady


John Williams (The Adventure of Tintin)
Ludovic Bource (The Artist)
Howard Shore (Hugo)
Alberto Iglesias (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)
John Williams (War Horse)


Man of Muppet (The Muppets)
Real in Rio (Rio)


The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
La Luna
A Morning Stroll
Wild Life


The Shore
Time Freak
Tuba Atlantic


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
War Horse


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Transformers: Dark of the Moon
War Horse


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2
Real Steel
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Transformers: Dark of the Moon


The Descendants
The Ides of March
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy


The Artist
Margin Call
Midnight In Paris
A Separation

Tune in for 26th February and let's see who bring the golden statue home! :D

Random Post

on Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Took this from Jeanne's blog, whom took it from her friend's blog.

Well then, the rule is simple. BOLD what applies to you:

01. You’re currently confused about someone’s feelings for you.

02. You have been in a serious relationship before.

03. You own an iPod of some sort.

04. You do not like your sibling’s girlfriend/boyfriend.

05. You drink too much alcohol.

06. You have been to the Olive Garden.

07. You have taken medicine of some sort this week.

08. It is really cold in your house right now.

09. You are extremely dependent on others.

10. You do not like to express your feelings in front of others.

11. You ate a lot of food today.

12. It doesn’t take much for you to cry.

13. People consider you as a happy sort of person.

14. Someone in your family is rich.

15. You have been to Disney World or Disneyland before.

16. You hate when people constantly talk about themselves.

17. You are a good listener, but you hate complainers.

18. Someone has called you for a serious medical emergency before.

19. You have had a serious surgery.

20. Your house has a spare bedroom.

21. Your house is old.

22. You have at least one cousin under the age of three.

23. You have never held a baby before.

24. You can’t handle toddlers.

25. You have a painting in your room.

26. You have been to Canada.

27. You have been to Mexico.

28. You love cherry flavored lollipops.

29. You celebrate Easter.

30. You observe Lent.

31. You are Catholic.

32. You do not believe in God.

33. Religion is not important to you.

34. You want to have a small family one day.

35. You would rather have more sons than daughters.

36. You have more aunts than uncles.

37. You hate being too cold.

38. You currently are way tanner than everyone else.

39. You wear shoes in your house.

40. Your parents are clean freaks.

41. You are more messy than clean.

42. You are currently angry at someone.

43. Patience is so not a virtue to you.

44. Your desk is extremely clean.

45. Your bed sheets are either blue, green, black, or white.

46. When you hear “black & white” it reminds you of Katy Perry’s ‘Hot n Cold’ song.

47. You have no clue what that song is.

48. You think rap artists are completely pathetic.

49. You are glad George Bush is out of office.

50. Politics are boring to you.

51. You take a vitamin daily.

52. You feel like you are sick often.

53. You hate throwing up.

54. You think it’s gross when people set food down on their desk at school with no napkin.

55. You also find it gross that people sit on top of desks.

56. You are now cringing at the thought of someone’s food where someone’s ass was.

57. You love getting bubble baths.

58. You do not like chocolate at all.

59. You are allergic to nuts.

60. You have been stung by a bee before.

61. You have been to the emergency room before for something.

62. One of your parents is 50 or older.

63. You are the baby of your immediate family.

64. You hate broccoli.

65. Cooked carrots are good, though.

66. You go on tumblr too much.

67. You are really comfortable right now.

68. You like witty t-shirts.

69. You are a major fan of underground bands.

70. You have been on an airplane before.

71. You are not afraid of heights.

72. You consider yourself paranoid.

73. You have had a panic attack before

74. The thought of being old and alone bothers you.

75. You would choose the elderly over children.

76. You feel like you’re living in the wrong decade.

77. You like the color green.

78. You think it’s way too cold outside right now.

79. You love the thought of sleeping in tomorrow morning.

80. You would rather go to bed early and get up early.

81. You feel like the early bird catches the worm.

82. You are a big breakfast eater.

83. You are currently suffering from the common cold.

84. You are craving something salty.

85. You have been in a car today.

86. There is something plugged in near you.

87. You have heard of the TV show “Private Practice.”

88. You do not like medical television shows.

89. You prefer horror to comedies.

90. You adore Leo & Kate.

91. You think high-waisted pants look good.

92. You hate cheesy movies.

93. You enjoy camping out.

94. Bugs bother you.

95. You do well in school without trying.

96. You are extremely jealous of someone currently.

97. You feel like you have changed a lot from 08-09.

98. You like energy drinks.

99. You like italics.

100. You know the entire script of Mean Girls.

What Happened In 3 Month

I was looking at the date when I last updated and posting something on this blog, and it was on September 2011.

Now's January. Okay, what a hiatus.

Let me tell you what my main problem that forced me to accidentally hiatus-ing my blong:

Owyeah, Depok is the main problem.

After I finished my modem's billing problem, now I'm back with the old problem. The root of all problem: signal.
No matter where my 'kosan' room was, I never get a good signal. My modem consist of 3 colors to tell you wether the signal was good or not.

Green: means the signal was too weak. You'll wait forever even to load the Google main page.
Blue: at least better than green.
Turquois: the best. Loading anything may not take forever.

In Depok, I almost never get pass blue, so when it came to the rarest time when the light turns turquois, I found myself in tears and praising the lord.

Okay, not litterally.

So that's why I left my modem for too long, never use it (which made the billing was stacked up quite high), and only let myself enjoy internet in weekend when I went home.

So what's happened in 3 month time?

A lot, of course.

One of the highlight was when I went to Java Rockingland festival with my friend Yessica...and waited almost 3 hours just to see the live performance of 30 Seconds to Mars.


Hm...what else?
Oh yeah, POTO 2011. Held on November 11-13 at Puncak. It was fun, as always. Simply because Perfilma is cool. As always. Muhuhuahahahahahahahaha!!

What else....
Okay, I forgot.
Will post another later.

Ciao for now :)

Seriously, this time I'm going back to blogging

on Monday, January 9, 2012
Just read the title.
'nuff said.

I'm actually thinking of posting something this time, but....I'll play one game first.